
Amniodisk: Amniodisk

Amniodisk is a human amniotic membrane allograft tissue that has undergone several stages of preparation, drying and sterilization.
Amniotic membrane (amnion) is a non-vascular thin membrane that is the innermost layer of the fetal membrane that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy and it is involved in protecting and nurturing the fetus.
Amnion produces important proteins that are involved in the development of the fetus. These proteins have immune modulatory, anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, non-tumorigenic, and tissue repair properties.
When maintained well, its positive effects, such as reducing inflammation and neovascularization and promoting wound healing, are maintained and can be used to enhance the process of tissue repair. This tissue derived from embryonic cells does not express HLA antigens, as a result, the risk of immunization is very low.

It has a unique collagen structure and consists of several parts:

  • An epithelial cell layer
  • A thick basement membrane
  • A stromal matrix without vessels

Indications and Clinical use:
Amniodisk has been demonstrated in clinical trials to improve the healing of different wounds such as: Treatment of corneal ulcers, conjunctival and epithelial damages and eye burns.

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